Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Wrestler is America

The Wrestler is the archetype of the dying warrior, the falling, not yet fallen, hero. The Wrestler is beaten, bruised, scarred and scared--but he's proud to be standing on two feet. The Wrestler has a pure heart, but a body that won't cooperate. The Wrestler wants to do right by his family and friends, but is too set in his ways. He is intelligent, but uneducated. The Wrestler shoots steroids into his muscles, snorts powder up his nose, and worships the unholiest of deities--himself. The Wrestler is nourished by the love and respect he receives from his ragtag and loyal fans. The Wrestler will never quit--what would he do? He could never hold down a job. The Wrestler will die in the ring and his fans will cheer him on when he does it.

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