Thursday, April 10, 2008

Debit Or Credit?

Debit or credit? This unanswerable question is what we've been reduced to. As a culture, as a people. When anthropologists dust off the remains of our civilization some time around the year 2425, they will argue over the cause of our destruction, decimation and demise. Some will argue debit, others credit. The joke's on us--they'll both be right. (Another handful will lobby for the plastic bag. They'll be right too.) I get asked the question several times a week. I never have an answer. The question feels like the diminutive cousin of who's your favorite Beatle? (A person only comes to the correct answer to that question after living a life of wrong choices. Paul belongs to the pre-teen set. John is the choice of the adolescent. The working man chooses Ringo. Who is left for the enlightened, well-insured, semi-retiree?) Debit or credit? There's no similar spiritual life trajectory for this question. It's an either/or with no right answer. Debit or credit and when did you stop beating your wife? Debit or credit and what is the sound of one hand clapping? Let's make a change. Let's stop asking the question and start making answers. Not crebit or dedit, that's silly. Crebedit? It'll be a change we can all benefit from.


filmik said...

Credit is the right answer as long as you pay your bills on time.

Unknown said...

smoking or nonsmoking
that was the question
now it's credit or debit